Welcome to my new site. It still even has that new site smell. I picked up the foisty domain name a bit ago when I was shopping for a short domain name for a prospective customer. He wanted to go with a long vanity name that nobody would ever remember, let alone be able to spell. He isn't in business anymore. I never could understand why one would hire a pro to advise them and then discard the advice they just paid for and do what they were going to do anyway.
I like "foisty". It is short, a .com and it is pronouncable. It is not in common useage, but in some languages it means damp or musty. A perfect place to grow mushrooms. I love mushrooms. I created this site mainly to use its back pages to de-bug a few Calculators and other scripts before I use them on other sites I take care of. I may just keep it when I am done. I am not sure what I will do here. I am backed up on both website and construction work, so I really don't need to pump either of those.
I have entertained the idea of redoing Chat Central Gateway here with a new, shorter name, but why?
It is a chat and group site. Most of its members have followed the lemmings into the F*book and Twatter seas of blah conformity.
If you are a member at CCG, no worries. I am not ready to euthanize the place yet. I will keep it open as long as it is being used.
I am about to give it a good enema though. It is long overdue. Who knows? Maybe I will come up with something great here. Time will tell.